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Trucker Guide: Why is Parking Shortage a Real Concern?

Trucker Guide: Why is Parking Shortage a Real Concern?

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Are you tired of the endless quest for a secure parking spot for your semi-truck? The frustration of searching for available parking has been a long-standing issue for truckers.

Reports indicate that the lack of safe and accessible parking is the number one concern for U.S. truck drivers. This issue becomes even more clear when we look at the statistics.

According to a study from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), there is currently only one parking spot for every 11 trucks on U.S. roads. Year after year, truck drivers have indicated that the parking shortage is one of the top three challenges they face, rising to number one in 2023.

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The Root of the Problem

The shortage of parking spaces can be attributed to a combination of factors. There are around 3 million tractor-trailers on the road, but only 300,000 overnight parking spaces. Making matters worse, 90 percent of these parking spaces are privately owned, leaving many drivers without a secure place to park. Urbanization increases the problem, as demand for goods is highest in large metropolitan areas. However, these urban zones often prioritize housing over truck parking, forcing drivers to take detours in search of parking.

Federal regulations, which require more rest time for drivers, have also played a role in the problem. On average, drivers spend about 56 minutes searching for parking, often exceeding Hours of Service (HOS) regulations, which affects their schedules and safety. The rise of just-in-time supply chains has added to the challenge, increasing the demand for transportation services and raising the bar on transportation schedules.

Truck driver parking isn't only about finding a free spot. It extends to places where drivers can eat, shower, and access facilities. Drivers need security, including features like fences, a guard presence, and proper lighting. For long-haul drivers, finding such facilities every working night has become an increasingly daunting task. Moreover, it also comes at a cost, ranging from $10 to $50 per night. Public rest stops allow drivers to park for free, but they aren’t typically stocked with showers and food that’s not from a vending machine.

Drivers say they often park on the shoulders of freeways, in abandoned lots, or other unsafe locations. 

The Impact of Jason`s Law 

Occasionally, as in the case of the late truck driver Jason Rivenburg, shoddy parking availability can end in tragedy; Rivenburg was forced to park at an abandoned gas station one night in 2009. He was killed, leaving behind his wife and their three children.

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Jason with his family

In 2012, Jason's Law was passed to reduce the potential risk by developing safer parking areas for truck drivers. Surveys have been conducted to identify states with inadequate parking. While some changes may need to be faster to implement due to necessary changes in zoning laws and funding allocations, the Department of Transportation is working with state and local governments to provide commercial drivers with safe places to park their rigs. 

The Trucker Guide - Your Road Companion

Until the problem is solved, protecting your life is essential. The best you can do is to find a secure parking place. One of the best ways is using the right app. 

Enter the Trucker Guide. It provides up-to-date information on available parking locations. Moreover, the Trucker Guide helps you to get full information on the company`s amenities. No need to waste your time looking for a place to eat or rest. Our service gets you covered. 

The Trucker Guide doesn't just stop at parking lots, it goes above and beyond. It gives you access to live-streaming cameras, information on low-clearance areas, and identifies weight stations along your route.

So, why let a lack of parking disrupt your deliveries, lead to fines, and potentially impact your safety? Take action now and make the Trucker Guide your trusted companion. Get started today and ensure your journey is safe and efficient.

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by Stuart Nelson
