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How Many Truck Thefts Were Committed In 2023?

How Many Truck Thefts Were Committed In 2023?

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Have you ever thought about just how big cargo theft can be?

In the world of cargo security, we noticed something disturbing in the second quarter of 2023 - there was a big increase in thefts, about 57%, compared to the same time in 2022 in the United States and Canada. This was reported by CargoNet.

But it's not just that things are being stolen, it's that the thieves are changing their tactics. They're doing something called "shipment misdirection attacks". Let's take a closer look at what that means.

Imagine this: there are people with bad intentions who pose as trucking companies and logistics professionals. They do this to steal valuable cargo and divert it from its intended route. Instead of delivering it to the right place, they take it for themselves. This is what we call "shipment misdirection attacks," and it's making these criminals a lot of money. In the second quarter of 2023, they managed to steal a staggering $44 million worth of cargo. On average, each theft was worth a staggering $260,703. Clearly, they were after valuable goods.

Getting into the details, we can see that in the second quarter of 2023, there was a 17% increase in thefts of fully loaded vehicles, such as trailers and semi trucks. Most of these thefts occurred in states such as California, Texas, Florida, and Illinois. There was also a lot of theft activity in large cities such as New York City and Philadelphia.

On the other hand, theft by breaking into loaded vehicles decreased slightly from the previous year. This decrease was primarily due to increased police activity. It was most marked on routes where valuable cargo travels, such as the I-40 route through Arizona, California, and New Mexico.

To combat these issues, prevention strategies are crucial. For instance, understanding how to prevent theft from a truck bed can be very helpful. Using secure locks, parking in well-lit areas, and employing surveillance can deter thieves. Additionally, truck fuel theft is another concern. Implementing measures like fuel card monitoring and secure fueling locations can help mitigate this problem.

Moving truck theft and truck tailgate theft are also significant issues. Ensuring that moving trucks are never left unattended and using tailgate locks can prevent these types of thefts. Overall, understanding the statistics and employing comprehensive prevention strategies can significantly reduce the risk of truck cargo theft.

The fake pickup groups were interested in all kinds of valuable items. These include 39 different product categories, such as alcohol, soda, and energy drinks, as well as solar power equipment and a variety of automotive supplies, such as parts, fluids, oils, and tires.

To avoid fake pickups, people who schedule shipments should be very thorough when checking the companies that will be transporting goods. They should make sure that these companies are real. They should also check their information against Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) records and make sure that the names of the carriers and drivers match what's on the shipping papers.

Carriers should be wary of new customers, especially if they ask to take "blind shipments" to locations that don't match what's on the shipping paperwork. This is especially important when the cargo is going to a public warehouse or a place for changing cargo.

The majority of cargo thefts in the second quarter of 2023 occurred near warehouses and distribution centers, along with unsecured parking lots and company truck yards. Year after year, truck drivers have indicated that the parking shortage is one of the top three challenges they face, rising to number one in 2023.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), 98% of truck drivers regularly experience difficulties finding safe parking — a sharp uptick from the 75% figure reported just four years earlier. As a result, truckers are parking in isolated places that are more attractive to thieves.

To mitigate the risks of cargo theft, one of the best choices is to use the right tools to plan the routes. That's why the Trucker Guide is here to help. It gives the up-to-date info about places you need, such as Rest Areas, Truck Stops, and others. You will get an access to lots of Trucker Guide platform benefits. We're all about making your trucking experience more safe and convenient. Take care!

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by Stuart Nelson
